Vote in the bCreator Awards 2024

About the bCreator Awards

Awards 2021


Known as the “Oscars for creators”, the bCreator™ Awards (#BCAs) celebrate the best creators, agencies and creator brand campaigns over the past 12 months and is the largest Awards of its kind in the UK.

bCreator™ (formerly Blogosphere) was founded in 2013. Yes, 2023 was our 10th anniversary! Where has time gone?! 

We started life as a print magazine – Blogosphere – that curated the online world. It was our mission to showcase the professional side of the industry, and for people to take creators (bloggers back then) seriously. In addition to exclusive interviews with social media stars, each publication featured a directory of creators to follow across different ‘spheres’. 

Curation and celebrating different creators in the magazine, naturally progressed into an idea – in 2017 – that we should probably run our own Awards. And to take what we’d already been doing for 5 years in print into event form.

And thus the bCreator™ Awards were born…

We thought that the Awards would be well received, but we didn’t anticipate how big they would get… If you’d have told us back in 2017 that in 2023 we’d be hosting the Awards at the iconic Roundhouse in Camden… we wouldn’t have believed you!

On the 10th October 2023 that’s just what happened with Virgin Voyages as the headline sponsor and YouTube as the supporting headline sponsor. It was the most incredible night with a red carpet, drinks reception, dinner, live music and entertainment.

Now, as we head into 2024, our values are still the same – to highlight and celebrate the best of this amazing industry – it’s just at a bigger scale than ever before!

Watch our official video of the bCreator Awards 2023 for just a taste of the amazing atmosphere and premium experience…

The next awards will be taking place in 2024, subscribe to our newsletter for event updates.